tops- of the highest quality; "an ace reporter"; "a crack shot"; "a first-rate golfer"; "a super party"; "played top-notch tennis"; "an athlete in tiptop condition"; "she is absolutely tops" ace,A-one,crack,first-rate,super,tiptop,topnotch,top-notch ...
Related to top off:drop off,touch base,no less top1 (tŏp) n. 1.The uppermost part, point, surface, or end:wrote on the top of the box. 2.The part farthest from a given reference point:took a jump shot from the top of the key. ...
Latest published Articles in press Top cited Most downloaded Most popular Research articleOpen access A multi-stage deep learning approach for comprehensive lung disease classification from x-ray images G. Divya Deepak, Subraya Krishna Bhat5 June 2025View PDF Research articleOpen access Applying time ...
Geoderma- The Global Journal of Soil Science - welcomes authors, readers and soil research from all parts of the world, encourages worldwide soil studies, and embracesall aspects of soil scienceand its associated pedagogy. The journal particularly welcomes interdisciplinary work focusing ondyna… ...
主题: 50,帖数: 97 最后发表: 2024-4-16 05:10 小学一年级 小学一年级语文-上册 主题: 12,帖数: 171 最后发表: 2024-4-26 11:52 小学一年级语文-下册 主题: 19,帖数: 499 最后发表: 2024-4-29 05:54 小学一年级数学-上册 主题: 8,帖数: 22 ...
DISTINCT、TOP、ORDER BY 是 SQL 查询语句中常用的关键字,用于在数据库中进行数据的查询、排序和筛选。 1. DISTINCT:用于查询结果去重。当查询结果中存在重复的数据时,可...
- Twitter: @ToppsSWCT - Instagram: @toppsswct - Facebook: @ToppsSWCT - YouTube: @ToppsDigitalApps - Newsletter: Collect & trade characters from popular Star Wars™ properties like: Episode I: The Phantom Menace ...
而下面这款 E/W Top Handle 应该会让不少人一眼爱上,明明是很简单的设计,但是无论是把手的弧度,还是包包的略微向中心靠拢的弧度,都是那么的独特和有辨识度。只要拿上它,内心就有无限自信。 QQ发现每隔一段时间,就会火一个超大容量的tote bag,比如狗牙的Saint Louis Tote、LV的neverfull、LV 的Onthego、DIOR...
—“我想……做你的TOP,行么?” 纸醉金迷的yu/望之都,纽约。 某夜,一场落俗的英雄救美后,软萌的富二代爱上了俊美的资优生。 你失业了?没事,我有钱。 你没空做饭?没关系,我学做便当。 嫌我身材不好?我跑步,我练拳! 嫌我功课不好?我拿全A给你看! 为了俘获帅哥的芳心,废柴学渣出钱又出力,终于变成...
Define top out. top out synonyms, top out pronunciation, top out translation, English dictionary definition of top out. n. 1. The uppermost part, point, surface, or end: wrote on the top of the box. 2. The part farthest from a given reference point: took