15. An expression of the eyes: a strange light in her eyes. 16. lights Pieces of laundry that are not dark in color. 17. Light In Quaker doctrine, the guiding spirit or divine presence in each person. v. light·ed or lit (lĭt), light·ing, lights v.tr. 1. To set on fire...
Age of the Gods: King of Olympus, Age of the Gods: King of Olympus Megaways, Age of the Gods: Norse King of Asgard, Age of the Gods: Prince of Olympus, Age of the Gods: Ruler of the Seas, Age of the Gods: Wonder Warriors, Agent Royale, Aladdin & The Magic Carpet, ...
These proverbs, and hundreds like them, are ever in the mouths of the people of Hindustan, giving spice and color to their speech even as the Betel Nut—the chewing-gum of the Orient—spices the breath and reddens the lips of the folks of the bazaars. Many of them are more than prov...
Join Bill Meyer each weekday for LIVE Local Talk on southern Oregon's KMED FM 106.3, 106.3 HD1, 106.7 FM in S. Jackson County, 105.9 in Grants Pass and 99.3 KBXG in Grants Pass and Josephine County. Streamed on KMED.com.
The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning. 15 不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。 Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is...
With one deft stroke Benny waved the bayonet in the air, and with the surety and grace of a ballerina performing Najinsky’s passion, the sack was rent in two and out stumbled the exalted hero of the War Memorial. ‘What the? Why the? Where’s Angus? Is that you Kerry’? When the...
Self-tortured, self-ruled, they build their powers high, Until they are gods, overmaster the sky.” Then he pulled out the nails. He shouted “Come in.” To heal me there stepped in a lady of sin. Her hand was in mine. We walked in the sun. She said: “Now forget them, the ...
We aren’t spliced according to the law; But by the gods I hail you on this hushed and holy night As the mother of my children, and my squaw. I see your little slender face set in the firelight glow; I pray that I may never make it sad; ...
“As a work of historical fiction, the opera imagines the story behind Sargent’s spare, nude portrait and sensual sketches of McKeller, whose image was transformed by Sargent into white-skinned Greek gods featured prominently in murals throughout Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. Themes of erasur...
As has been well said, out of that spring at Antioch a mighty stream has flowed to water the world. Astarte, the "Queen of Heaven," whom they worshiped; Diana, Apollo, the Pharisee and Sadducee, are no more, but the despised Christians yet live. Yet that heathen city, which would ...