46. to ascertain or determine by measuring, computing, etc: to take a pulse; take a reading from a dial. 47. (intr) (of a mechanism) to catch or engage (a part) 48. to put an end to; destroy: she took her own life. 49. to come upon unexpectedly; discover 50. to contract...
c. To experience euphoria, for example, as a result of taking a drug. get on 1. To be or continue on harmonious terms: gets on well with the neighbors. 2. To manage or fare: How are you getting on? 3. To make progress; continue: get on with a performance. 4. To grow old...
To determine why subjects behaved the way they did despite trial conditions, we next investigated the structure of the two internal states to understand their dynamics. The monotonic nature of the states observed in the population was carried over by one or both states for most subjects (Supplemen...
We describe and analyze an error mitigation technique that uses multiple pairs of parity checks to detect the presence of errors. Each pair of checks uses one ancilla qubit to detect a component of the error operator and represents one layer of the techn
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands ...
“The point system is easy, Salvatore,” Giovanni said, leaning across the table toward his cousin. He had to raise his voice a little to be heard above the music. “It’s an honor system. One point when a woman asks to dance with you. You can’t ask her, she has to ask you....
Similarly, a relative speed of the waveform generator and the sample- flat-top pulse generator can be used to clean up the high- and-hold circuit. voltage level. Step input for the device under test In this article, settling time refers to the time that elapses from the application of ...
Although the basic requirements for getting started in Traktion are minimal, users can also supply additional information, such as SNP data from 23 And Me; additional blood type related data, such as their secretor status; information on supplements, OTC medications and drugs they are taking, lab...
46. to ascertain or determine by measuring, computing, etc: to take a pulse; take a reading from a dial. 47. (intr) (of a mechanism) to catch or engage (a part) 48. to put an end to; destroy: she took her own life. 49. to come upon unexpectedly; discover 50. to contract...
46. to ascertain or determine by measuring, computing, etc: to take a pulse; take a reading from a dial. 47. (intr) (of a mechanism) to catch or engage (a part) 48. to put an end to; destroy: she took her own life. 49. to come upon unexpectedly; discover 50. to contract...