Noun1.cows' milk- milk obtained from dairy cows milk- a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us...
Related to Happy Cows:milkshed cat·tle (kăt′l) pl.n. 1. a.Ruminant mammals of the genusBosthat have been domesticated and are often raised for meat and dairy products. Cows, steers, bulls, and oxen are cattle. b.Similar wild or domesticated bovine animals, such as anoas or gaurs...
Distillery by-products for dairy cowsN Offer
Byproducts of sugar production, such as mycelium, precoat, and rafinate have become available for use. The mycelium is composed of cellular material from the fermentation of sugar by the fungus Aspergillus niger. The rafinate results from the purification process of the citric acid, the principal...
Grape and winery by-products have nutritional values for cattle and also contain functional compounds like phenols, which not only bind to protein but can also directly affect microbiota and their function in the rumen. We characterized the nutritional and functional effects of grape seed meal and ...
In this review, we summarized the recent advances in the utilization of cereal byproducts such as corn stover, rice straw, and wheat straw in the diets of lactating dairy cows. Based on our systematic studies on lactating dairy cow with corn stover or rice straw to replace alfalfa hay plus...
Similarly, the germ/embryo, containing almost all the oil of the corn kernel, is also separated from the kernel [11]. Therefore, during the process of starch production, many by-products rich in organic ingredients and nutrients are also produced, such as corn bran, corn germ, corn steep ...
It uncovered that samples from cows and goats were found. Interestingly, the goat DN A resembled that of other ancient Central Asian goats, suggesting the mixing of population in Xinjiang with other Bronze Age populations. Researchers anticipate that further analysis of microbes in the cheese, ...
Meat and bone meal that has been contaminated with low concentrations of salmonella is unlikely to result in clinical illness in healthy adult lactating cows. However, dairy producers should continue to be concerned about feed biosecurity and water contamination of animal by-products to prevent and ...
However, when starchy grains were replaced by nonroughage highly digestible NDF by-products, prediction of DMI in the cows fed SHCG was underestimated by 5% and at a lower accuracy (linear coefficient of regression = 0.16). Thus, it is suggested that prediction of intake based on cow ...