(Philosophy) (esp in the moral philosophy of Kant) any conditional rule of action, concerned with means and ends rather than with duty for its own sake. Comparecategorical imperative Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
b.Acts of consideration or courtesy, especially in an effort to win someone's affection or gain sexual favors:"She was almost giddy with disbelief at the unexpected attentions of a handsome, well-spoken, obviously professional man"(Rob Kantner). ...
aIn his analysis of self-love and suicide and false borrowing and stealing,Kant sets up the principle of universalization without contradiction as the maxim by which moral law is established 在对自我怜爱的他的分析和自杀和错误借款和窃取, Kant设定了universalization的原则,不用矛盾,因为道德律建立的格言...
aIn his analysis of self-love and suiside and fasle borrowing and stealing,Kant sets up the principle of universalization without contradiction as the maxim by which moral law is established 在对自我怜爱和suiside和fasle借款和窃取的他的分析, Kant设定了universalization的原则,不用矛盾,因为道德律建立的...
Leibniz understood the perfection of the real world as the “harmony of essence and existence”: the optimality of relations between the diversity of existing things and actions in nature and their order; and minimum means for maximum result. The consequences of this last ontological principle are...
Question : In Kant Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, the maxim of an act is: Question 22. Question : Thomas Nagel argues that all rules of engagement should be governed by the utilitarian principle that Question 23. Question : Hill claims that a fruitful way to think about the ...
Kant’s lofty doctrine, for instance, had to be degraded to the level of the schools and ruined by such men as Fries, Krug and Salat. In short, here, if anywhere, Goethe’s maxim is true, _One does not suit all_. Pure faith in revelation and pure metaphysics are for the two ...
Kant's critical method was the resumption of Socratic-Platonic philosophizing, and for the acceptance of theCritique of Pure Reasonas a "treatise on the method," which its author, according to his own words, intended it to be [Immanuel Kant,Critique of Pure Reason, Norman Kemp Smith, tr.,...
Good breeding means concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of others. There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man's notion that he is less savage than the other savages. Twain on Ignorance and Human Nature: It is better to keep your...
Footnote 19 In this context, we also can possibly refer to Kant’s formula of humanity, which forbids using other human beings as mere means for a specific purpose. Positively, we can formulate a commandment to obey the law by interpreting the law in a non-aggressive way. Aggressive tax ...