The meaning of HOOK is a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling. How to use hook in a sentence.
"By hook"指的是使用钩子或其他工具来拉下树枝或者偷偷进入森林,而"by crook"则指的是使用曲棍球棍或其他工具来砍倒树木。这两种手段代表了通过合法或非法的方式来获得目标。 另一种说法是与英国的土地制度和农业有关。在过去,土地分配和使用受到严格的法律限制,只有特定的人群才能拥有土地。为了获取土地,人们可能...
VOA一分钟:By Hook or By Crook 浪哥英语 2024-04-27 06:11 广东 请在微信客户端打开意为:不择手段 VOA一分钟202个内容 VOA一分钟· 目录人划线
通过深入探讨“by hook or by crook”这个典故,我们可以从它所蕴含的坚韧与智慧、不拘一格的处世哲学等多个方面来思考,从而使我们更加全面、深刻和灵活地理解这些内涵。在生活和工作中,我们也可以运用这种理念,努力不懈地追求自己的目标,勇敢面对挑战,同时不断寻求新的途径和手段,从而取得更大的成功。“by hook or...
By hook or by crook 意为用种种方法、不择手段地,千方百计地。这句成语源自古代采邑制度,描述有权有势的采邑领主用钩刀砍树篱上的木头,或者用牧羊人的曲柄杖收集矮林中的树枝当柴火的情形。意在强调为达目的不惜一切手段。例如:我会想尽办法在这周内把工作完成。再如:无论如何,我也要控制...
by hook or (by) crook In any way possible.A: "But we're not allowed to submit more than one entry per person." B: "Oh, forget that—we are winning this contest by hook or by crook!"We need to court that big investor by hook or by crook, so shameless flattery is a fine place...
by hook or by crook. by hook or by crook {adv. phr.} By honest ways or dishonest in any way necessary. The wolf tried to get the little pigs by hook or by crook. The team was determined to win that last game by hook or by crook, and three players were put out of the ...
1. curved like a hook. a hooked nose.ganchudo 2. (with on) slang for very interested in, or showing a great liking for; addicted to. He's hooked on modern art; He's hooked on marijuana.colgadoby hook or by crook by some means or another; in any way possible. I'll get her to...
意思是用种种方法、不择手段地,千方百计地 。有人认为这条成语源自古代采邑制度,有权有势的采邑领主用钩刀(hook)随便砍树篱上的木头,或者用牧羊人的曲柄杖(crook) 收集矮林中的树枝当柴火,所以有了这么一说。例如:I'll get the work finished in this week by hook or by crook.我要想...
1. 'By any means necessary.' - '不惜任何手段。' 2. 'By hook or by crook.' - '不择手段。' 3. 'By fair means or foul.' - '不择手段。' 4. 'By whatever means.' - '通过任何手段。' 5. 'By all means possible.' - '尽一切可能。' ...