Risk of bias in chest X-ray foundation models. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.02965v1 (2022). Beheshtian, E., Putman, K., Santomartino, S. M., Parekh, V. S. & Yi, P. H. Generalizability and bias in a deep learning pediatric bone age prediction model using hand ...
(2011) highlight the “global perspective” while examining the “critical success factors” that the United States and the European Union could provide in terms of “pandemic preparedness planning”. Fee et al. (2008) explain that “health for all” considers health work as a “part of ...
Methodology involves qualitative research, “review research”, systematic review and scale development that get close to theory development. First, a qualitative approach is appropriate while examining previous publications in depth. The research question and the study purpose help justify the use of qua...
knowing that if they didn’t drown, they would emerge redeemed to breathe the dampness in. And then we poured water out in colossal drops like coins onto the earth and the grass and the stones, and the mighty thunderclap resounded inside the chest cavity of every beast. ...
Pickwick, 'are the narrow views of those philosophers who, content with examining the things that lie before them, look not to the truths which are hidden beyond. As well might I be content to gaze on Goswell Street for ever, without one effort to penetrate to the hidden countries which ...
artificial intelligence; computer-aided detection; deep learning; chest X-ray; patient prioritization1. Introduction CXR is one of the key tools for the early detection and evaluation of respiratory disease and other acute pulmonary findings [1,2,3]. The current model, which could be described ...
They indicated the frequency, duration, and nature of their sporting activities. The weekly training frequency and duration for both resistance and endurance training were collected. 2.2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) The Dixon technique is a fast and frequently used method for examining adipose ...
Brackish Okun (Bret Spiner), fleetingly humorous as he ambles around excitedly looking for the next thing to shoot with a giant ray gun. It’s because these characters are played for laughs that the piece is unable to really delve into the emotional scarring they might be privy to. There...
For the one-sided test, the probability that the number of exposed cases is 41 or greater is 0.0177. This is a "midp" calculation; see Methods and formulas below. The two-sided test is 2 × 0.0177 = 0.0354. Technical note When the incidence-rate ratio is less than 1, iri (and ir,...
Certain carcinogens present occupational hazards. For example, in theasbestosindustry, workers have a high probability of developing lung and colon cancer or a particularly virulent cancer of the mesothelium (the lining of the chest and abdomen).Benzeneand vinyl chloride are other known industrial ca...