Using Remote Play Together, one player owns and runs the game, then up to four players can join. Proton is a tool for use with the Steam client which allows games which are exclusive to Windows to run on the Linux operating system. It uses Wine to facilitate this. ProtonUp-Qt is a ...
(3)System-->Configure-->Driver-->ALSA-->"Device/Interface"设置为你自己要用来听音乐的声卡,去掉“Duplex Mode”的勾选,勾选上“Monitor”和“Hardware Metering”,“Sample Rate”设置为你电脑的声卡支持的最高采样率,一般普通的板载声卡最高支持48000,专业独立声卡能够支持更高,设置过高音乐不能正常播放。“...
kks i just finished testing it using geswall 2.5.1 (on my friends pc, he seems to like this version and refuses to upgrade so this is the version i tested) while under shadow mode in powershadow (2.6 english version). results : the trojan runs, makes a copy of itself in programs/co...