The meaning of STANDBY is one to be relied on especially in emergencies. How to use standby in a sentence.
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Smart thermostats, also known asprogrammable thermostats, have become more and more popular in recent years. It’s easy to see why, as they’re great at making your home warmer without a lot of time and effort. These kinds of thermostats can “learn” your preferences in time, so you don...
(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the character (&), meaningand:John Brown & Co. [C19: shortened fromand per se and,that is, the symbol & by itself (represents)and] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
The Beijing Winter Olympics brought together two brothers who had been separated for many years. In the future, they will continue to be friends. This is the meaning of the Olympic spirit and a true miracle. The Beijing Winter Olympics have managed, through sports, to unite everyone and bring...
28. The editor of Merriam-Webster pointed out that there are many reasons to look up a word in the dictionary ___ than learning its meaning. A. rather B. other C. more D. different 选B。 很基础的题。根据句意,应该是other than,“除……之外”。除了学习单词意义外,还有很多其他理由去使用...
Communication encryption, if the program is not a level one proxies, and the upper level proxies is also the program, then the communication between the upper level proxies and the upper level proxies can be encrypted, and the underlying tls high-intensity encryption is used, and the security ...
Relationship between the form of a word and its meaning is arbitrary. That's one reason why the same word pronounces differently across languages e.g. in Japanese, "chair" is pronounced as "isu", which is totally unrelated to its English counterpart The same is true for sign languages, e...
The meaning of AS (IS) EVIDENCED BY is as is clearly shown by. How to use as (is) evidenced by in a sentence.
makes us energized and refreshed, in the midst of fatigue in living a life full of struggles. With this renewed strength, we will be able to overcome the problems of this world, even enter into the sanctuary of God, like an eagle flying high into the sky on the strength of its wings....