walloper - a winner by a wide margin also-ran, loser - a contestant who loses the contest 2. winner - a gambler who wins a bet lottery winner, prize winner - the winner of a lottery gambler - a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events loser - a gambler...
to escape punishment. Toeludeis to slip through an apparently tight net, thus avoiding, often by a narrow margin, whatever threatens; it implies using adroitness or slyness to baffle or foil:The fox eluded the hounds. Toevadeis to turn aside from or go out of reach of a person or ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
crisscross, crisscrossed, criticality, criticism, critter, crock, crocodile, crocus, croft, croissant, crop, cropland, cross, cross land, cross mark, cross section, cross-fold, crosshatch, crossing, crossroad, crossword, crouching, crouton, crow, crowbar, crowd, crown, croydon, crucifixion, cru...
Third, the hint area needs to be moved to the side of the screen. This movement requires you to add a function that detects whether the Crossword sample should be displayed in wide mode or not. You will make the application use wide mode whenever there are fewer than 320 vertical pixels...
Bored, Linda returned to her compartment. She skimmed through the assignment protocols on her tablet, until she got bored with those as well, then fiddled half-heartedly with a crossword puzzle. At an Air Force base, being on call was every bit as tedious, but somehow still felt important...
The word I say to you isNo do not go down this tube of mining your emotions at this late stage. Your heart is thumping out the words; there are so few beats left to submit. (123-4) The beats of the heart measure both life and poetic tension and release. The examination of a ...
Small gambling games became a popular pastime during the depression — Whiffle board, dime chain letters, betting on the number of stock sales or bank clearings on the day, crossword puzzle, Monopoly, etc. “People lost all confidence in the old virtues of saving. They were willing to bet...
Identifies a variety of concepts in images and video including objects, themes, and more. Trained with over 10,000 concepts and 20M images.
diversion, recreation - an activity that diverts or amuses or stimulates; "scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists"; "for recreation he wrote poetry and solved crossword puzzles"; "drug abuse is often regarded as a form of recreation" house - play in which children take the ...