smegmatis via integration at attB . Bxb1-integrated recombinants are stable and fully compatible with L5 integration vectors. Strand exchange occurs within an 8 bp common core sequence present in attB and within an attP site situated immediately upstream of the phage integrase gene. Establishment of...
RMCE donor plasmid construction. For RMCE alleles, DNA vector requires the Bxb1 attB-GT and Bxb1 attB-GA sites are positioned in the correct orientation and flanking the desired sequence. Our donor plasmid p5154 (Addgene reference 175,390) is intended for small-medium sized donor DNAs (...
The Bxb1 integrase domain structure, the unusual DNA-binding properties of the integrase, and the characterization of a mutant protein with altered site-discrimination, are consistent with synaptic selectivity being derived from DNA sequence-induced changes in the conformations of integrase–DNA complexes...
Results In this work, the Bxb1 recombinase gene was transformed and constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana plants harboring a chromosomally integrated attP and attB-flanked target sequence. The Bxb1 recombinase successfully excised the target sequence in a conservative manner and the resulting ...
(RMCE) allele generated by in vivo recombination between plasmid DNA, carrying two flanking heterologous attB sites and host mouse carrying dual cognate attP sites (RosaBxb-GT/GA) in the ROSA26 locus. (C) Nanopore Cas9-targeted sequencing (nCATS) enables complete verification at the sequence ...