The legendary console that earned Solid State Logic their place in pro audio history. Plugin officially approved by SSL.
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The SSL 4000E is not just a strip. It is a Console. The TMT is brilliant! Meu ChannelStrip favorito ★★★ by Kelvin Diniz April 26, 2022 Eu sempre gostei de emulações da SSL e esse plugin me surpreendeu. Tem uma aplicação incrível na sonoridade. As frequências baixas...
bx_console N bx_console SSL 4000 E bx_console SSL 4000 G bx_console SSL 9000 J bx_delay2500 bx_digital V3 mix bx_digital V3 bx_distorange bx_dynEQ V2 Mono bx_dynEQ V2 bx_enhancer bx_glue bx_greenscreamer bx_hybrid V2 mix
bx_console Nbx_console SSL 4000 Ebx_console SSL 4000 Gbx_console SSL 9000 Jbx_delay2500bx_digital V3 mixbx_digital V3bx_distorangebx_dynEQ V2 Monobx_dynEQ V2bx_enhancerbx_gluebx_greenscreamerbx_hybrid V2 mixbx_hybrid V2bx_limiter True Peakbx_limiterbx_masterdesk Probx_masterdesk True ...
bx_console Focusrite SC bx_console N bx_console SSL 4000 E bx_console SSL 4000 G bx_console SSL 9000 J bx_control V2 bx_delay 2500 bx_digital V3 bx_distorange bx_dynEQ V2 bx_greenscreamer bx_hybrid V2 bx_limiter bx_limiter True Peak ...
Brainworxbx_console SSL 4000 E Plug-in $29.99 BrainworxAmpeg B-15N Bass Amp Plug-in $24.99 BrainworxDiezel VH4 Guitar Amplifier Plug-in $24.99 BrainworxENGL Savage 120 Amp Head Plug-in $24.99 BrainworxPT100 Guitar Amplifier Plug-in $24.99 ...
插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 bx_console SSL 4000 E G J 三个通道条 13:34 插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 bx_console N 尼夫NXS通道条 14:48 插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 AMEK EQ 200均衡器 20:33 插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 ACME Audio Opticom XLA-3 光电压缩器 07:38 插件联盟Plugin...
插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 bx_console SSL 4000 E G J 三个通道条 13:34 插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 bx_console N 尼夫NXS通道条 14:48 插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 AMEK EQ 200均衡器 20:33 插件联盟Plugin Alliance使用教程 ACME Audio Opticom XLA-3 光电压缩器 07:38 插件联盟Plugin...