BW2 = bwperim(BW1) BW2 = bwperim(BW1,conn) BW2 = bwperim(BW1,conn)表示从输入图像BW1中返回只包括对象边缘像素点的图像。 conn的定义值如下: 例子: BW1 = imread('circbw.tif'); BW2 = bwperim(BW1,8); imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2)...
硬声是电子发烧友旗下广受电子工程师喜爱的短视频平台,推荐 bwperim-确定图像目标边界视频给您,在硬声你可以学习知识技能、随时展示自己的作品和产品、分享自己的经验或方案、与同行畅快交流,无论你是学生、工程师、原厂、方案商、代理商、终端商...上硬声APP就够了!
bwperim(___) 说明 BW2= bwperim(BW)返回一个二值图像,该图像仅包含输入图像BW中对象的边界像素。如果某像素非零并且与至少一个零值像素连通,则该像素是边界的一部分。 示例 BW2= bwperim(BW,conn)还指定像素连通性conn。 不带输出参量的bwperim(___)在新图窗窗口中显示边界的二值图像。要使用此语法,BW必...
clearall;closeall;clc; I=imread('rice.png'); I=im2bw(I); J=bwperim(I);%提取二值图像图像边缘 figure; subplot(121);imshow(I);title('原二值图像'); subplot(122);imshow(J);title('图像边缘'); 其他提取图像边缘的方法: 利用膨胀和腐蚀提取图像边缘 matlab实现
蜀黍和老爺的地盤Posts Tagged ‘bwperim’ imclearborder和bwperim 4月 19, 2013 imclearborder()函数可以将与边界相连的连通域删除掉。bwperim()函数可以提取二值化图像的边缘。这两个函数都有很大的作用,尤其是在进行形态学分析时。 标签:bwperim, imclearborder, matlab 发表在 图像处理 | Leave a Comment »...
Lines surrounding contiguous regions in an image can be extracted using MATLAB's built-in contour/contourc functions, but these functions perform linear interpolation between pixels leading to 'cut corners'. bwperim from the imaging toolbox will trace boundaries without interpolation, but...
BW2 = bwperim(BW) returns a binary image that contains only the perimeter pixels of objects in the input image BW. A pixel is part of the perimeter if it is nonzero and it is connected to at least one zero-valued pixel. example BW2 = bwperim(BW,conn) also specifies the pixel conn...