CGSC, BD792 carries rpoS396(Am), but this mutation is not listed in the published genotype for...
CGSC, BD792 carries rpoS396(Am), but this mutation is not listed in the published genotype for...
coli to make a 5-Ami- nolevulinic acid overproducer with completely known genotype by systems-level metabolic engineering. In this study, rational metabolic engineering based on known regulatory and metabolic information was carried out to develop an E. coli strain capable of overproducing ALA. ...
coli to make a 5-Aminolevulinic acid overproducer with completely known genotype by systems-level metabolic engineering. In this study, rational metabolic engineering based on known regulatory and metabolic information was carried out to develop an E. coli strain capable of overproducing ALA. Results...