也可以使用Function Module,需要創建Extrac. Struct.。 點擊Extraction by FM 創建對應data source結構的Sturcture; 創建獲取數據的Function Module; 參考Function:RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE; 選擇copy參考Function; E_T_DATA是Function最終返回結果表,需要我們修改為自己需要返回的數據結構。 Copy對應代碼,修改E_T_DAT...
SAP BW 顾问靠手001用于事务数据的数据源002用于主数据或文本的数据源003只能用于bw版本12b20a以后被002替换004用于层次的数据源5双击一个用户出口进入functionmodule界面6这个fm中只是include了一个程序这个程序现在是不存在的双击zxrsau017不要理会系统警告回车8点击是incluede程序zxrsau01创建成功下面就可以根据fm的...
https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/58fd9183-0e01-0010-f183-fdc... https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/bda556e9-0c01-0010-83b0-d51... https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library...
SAP HANA是in-memory数据库。可以决定多少数据存储在内存,多少数据存储在硬盘。SAP HANA不仅数据存储,提供直接数据处理,省略了在应用中处理数据后重新写入数据的时间。 SAP HANA提供一般row store table 和column store。column store方式会自动压缩更加节约存储空间。
SapBwCubeDataset.withDescription(String description) Parameters: description withFolder public SapBwCubeDataset withFolder(DatasetFolder folder) Set the folder property: The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level. Overrides: SapBwCubeDataset.withFolde...
SapBwCubeDataset.withDescription(String description) Parameters: description withFolder public SapBwCubeDataset withFolder(DatasetFolder folder) Set the folder property: The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level. Overrides: SapBwCubeDataset.withFolde...
A) Replicate the datasource from R/3 through source system in the AWB & assign it to the infosource and activate it again. 13) Datasource/transfer structure not active. A) Use the function module RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL to activate it 14) ODS activation error. A) ODS activation errors...
//community.sap.com/t5/technology-q-a/link-between-rszeltdir-and-rsrrepdir/qaq-p/12501099In the link above, I can found how to identify the technical name of the query using a variable ID, but it is difficult to find the planning function in this way.For example, I want to find ...
After using FineReport Designer Connects to FineBI Project Remotely, SAP BW plugin is installed in both BI and designer, but SAP dataset is not displayed when adding server dataset. 2. How to Resolved The JAR package version of the report module of the FineBI project should be consistent with...