BOVINE DIARRHOEA VIRUS, pestivirus, mankind, genre humain, zoonoses, genero humano, zoonosis, zoonoseYour readers may be interested in two letters which appeared recently in the Lancet concerning the possibility of human infection with bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus. Both letters reported ...
概述 牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病病毒(Bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease virus,BVDV)属黄病毒科、瘟病毒属(FlaviviridaePestivirus),可以引起感染牛发生病毒性腹泻(BVD)、粘膜病及免疫抑制等,是肉牛和奶牛群常发病。我国多数牛场暴露-感染率已经超过50%,与BVD相关的疾病也呈上升趋势,已成为主要传染病之一。由于其有免疫...
abbr.牛病毒性腹泻(bovinevirusdiarrhea);牛粘膜综合症(bovinevirusdiarrhea) BVD是什么意思 网络 牛病毒性腹泻(bovine viral diarrhoea); Butterworth-Van Dyke; 牛病毒性腹泻病(bovine viral diarrhea)词组短语 1.BVD Ab 牛病毒性腹泻抗体;牛病毒腹泻抗体 2.BVD Ag 牛病毒性腹泻抗原;本中病毒性腹泻抗原;血浆中病...
HH-BVDVQ1Page1 VirologyDivision,BackwestonCampus, YoungsCross,Celbridge CoKildare BVDvirus–FAQ WhatisBVD? Ahighlydamaging,widespread,butcontrollablevirusofcattle.Probablythemost importantproductionviraldiseaseofIrishcattle-relatedtobothBorderdiseaseof sheepandclassicalswinefeverofpigs. Whatdoesitcause?
bvdvirusdiarrheabovine腹泻毒性 BOVINEVIRUSDIARRHEA(BVD)BruceR.Hoar,SchoolofVeterinaryMedicine,DepartmentofMedicineandEpidemiology,UniversityofCalifornia,DavisBovinevirusdiarrhea(BVD)isacomplicateddiseasetodiscussasitcanresultinawidevarietyofdiseaseproblemsfromverymildtoverysevere.BVDcanbeoneofthemostdevastatingdiseasescattl...
It is caused by the bovine viral diarrhea virus. Due to the diversity in the genetic and antigenetic properties of the virus, the clinical manifestation of BVD is highly different and four types may be distinguished, i.e. transient acute infection, rare severe acute infection, persistent ...
英语解释 trademark for men's underwear 相似单词 bvdabbr. 牛病毒性腹泻(bovine virus diarrhea);牛粘膜综合症(bovine virus diarrhea) bvd'sabbr. 牛病毒性腹泻(bovine virus diarrhea) 最新单词 antebrachium的中文意思n. 前臂 antebellum的中文意思a. 战前的,南北战争前的 ...
be persistently infected (PI) with the BVD virus. During the first 120 days of gestation, the fetus has an underdeveloped immune system and does not recognize the BVD virus as foreign. The fetus does not mount an immune response against the virus, remains infected, and does not have a ...
It could be concluded that goats are susceptible to BVD virus infection. Also, BVD virus had adverse effects on reproductive performance of goats. Immmunofluorescent technique is a valuable and confirmative tool in diagnosis of BVD virus infection. 展开 ...