尺寸1 mL品类编号555061 APC Mouse Anti-Human CD4 RUO 尺寸500 Tests品类编号561841 APC Mouse Anti-Human CD4 RUO 尺寸100 Tests品类编号555349 查看详情 563295 Rev. 1 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
The cells were then stained with APC Mouse Anti-Human CD3 antibody (Cat. No. 561811/555335/561810) and with either BD Horizon™ BV510 Mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Control (Cat No. 562946, Left Panel) or with the BD Horizon™ BV510 Mouse Anti-Human IFN-γ antibody (Cat No....
上海优宁维生物科技股份有限公司 APC-Cy7 Rat Anti-Mouse CD45(30-F11) 抗体 557659 100ug 1409.2 2.0 2818.4 供应商商品名称货号规格单价数量总价 上海优宁维生物科技股份有限公司 Purified NA/LE Hamster Anti-Mouse CD3e(145-2C11)抗体 553057 500ug 2144.6 1.0 2144.6 供应商商品名称货号规格单价数量总价 上海...
18 apc556 00:17 FARA83 00:15 cz100 00:17 AK74M 00:21 新星 00:22 MAG-7 00:14 zip.22 00:19 维涅龙m2 00:20 PPQ 00:35 TF-q 00:13 LS26 00:23 MPL 00:20 MPK 00:11 p290 00:12 saiga 308 00:13 CMR-30 00:14 p10c 00:13 apc9k 00:21 MSBS 00:24 VP9 00:18 uts-15 00:...