Now it's your turn! Take the quiz and find out which Marvel hero and villain you're a perfect combination of: Hot Topic Obsessed with all things Disney? Join our fan community where you'll find hot topic discussions, quizzes, movie news, and more!
· Posted onJan 1, 2020 At this point, how could you NOT know which Disney princess you are?? byDelia Cai BuzzFeed Staff cutyjane 5 years ago Now I can sleep peacefully I know the meaning of my pizza ordering 3people love this commentReply...
When everyone posted nothing but quizzes, you're out here posting lists. Hero. Here's your trophy. Not yet earned Lord of Lists We knew you were a whiz at making lists before, but now you've made THREE lists?! You're truly everything we aspire to be, and one day we hope to ...
BuzzFeed Community is a hub for BuzzFeeders to create awesome quizzes and posts that people love. Make your own, or browse what other people are making.Make your own post! Pinned Quiz Results You're a mixture of Slytherin, Megara, and Aaron Burr! Clever, introverted, and ambitious — ...
BuzzFeed Latam es el mejor sitio para pasar horas de entretenimiento con nuestros quizzes, videos, retos, reseñas de cultura pop y el mundo de los deportes.
Cast "Rogers: The Musical" And We'll Tell You Which Marvel Hero You Are In Your Soul Because Hawkeye is cool, but a Steve Rogers musical is even cooler. todefeatthehuns このクリーム量はやりすぎ…!ローソン「欲望そのままパン」見た目のインパクトが凄すぎるよ…! LAWSON(ローソン...
19 Tweets About BuzzFeed Quizzes That Made Us Chuckle And Flip Y'all Off "I took a BuzzFeed quiz that told me I’m Spider-Man and now I have a spider bite on my arm. I do not believe in coincidences." Pedro Fequiere 14 Kids Who Will Make You Go, "Damn, You're A Little ...
What Original 6 Marvel Superhero Are You? What hero are you?Apr 5, 2021, 1:08 AM Posts1 - 9 of 9 Recent Comments thepizzalord commented on Only True MCU Fans Can Ace This Quiz With 80% Or Better 10/10 this is so easy i thought it would be hard it said who holds the hammer,...
15 Jokes About Reddit's "Am I The Asshole?" That Are Pure Gold You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain in an AITA post. Kelly Martinez Men Revealed Their Positive Experiences Going To Therapy, And Their Stories Are Eye-Opening "Expressing things you've never...
What Original 6 Marvel Superhero Are You? What hero are you? Apr 5, 2021, 1:08 AM thepizzalordcommented onOnly True MCU Fans Can Ace This Quiz With 80% Or Better 10/10 this is so easy i thought it would be hard it said who holds the hammer, it couldve been jane foster or stev...