BuzzFeed has breaking news, vital journalism, quizzes, videos, celeb news, Tasty food videos, recipes, DIY hacks, and all the trending buzz you’ll want to share with your friends. Copyright BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
Gibson left the Guardian last month after being passed over for the top editor's job. BuzzFeed said Gibson's hiring was part of "a significant investment in its editorial operations in the United Kingdom," as part of its expanded global presence which includes nine international editions. BuzzF...
describing it as a place filled with funny, smart people who were allowed to experiment and create interesting work. Most importantly, that work got attention. Viral quizzes like “What state do you actually belong in?” were shared endlessly. Cute animal photos gathered from around the interne...
With its countless listicles, silly quizzes, and cute animal photos, the popular site has quickly risen to become one of the top media companies in the world. More than 200 million unique visitors peruse the site’s content each month. Pretty impressive, no? Whether you’ve never heard of...
The company said there are "ongoing discussions about the future of," but that it plans to preserve the section's work on the site. "No jobs are being replaced by AI" BuzzFeed had started tapping artificial intelligence for writing quizzes and articles, some with the bylin...
BuzzFeed has breaking news, vital journalism, quizzes, videos, celeb news, Tasty food videos, recipes, DIY hacks, and all the trending buzz you’ll want to share with your friends. Copyright BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
Presumably this has been a game changer in the Westboro world, and I wanted to get to know the new them. And what better way to get to know people than making them do a bunch of Buzzfeed quizzes? They have told me many, many things about myself and others that I never knew (...
BuzzFeed Community is a hub for BuzzFeeders to create awesome quizzes and posts that people love. Make your own, or browse what other people are making.Make your own post! Pinned Quiz Results Merida You're brave, determined, and passionate. You definitely march to the beat of… Read More...
You made three trivia quizzes, and we loved them so much that we had to promote them to the front page of BuzzFeed! There's no doubt that during the next trivia night, we call dibs on being your partner. Not yet earned In The Stars ...
You made three trivia quizzes, and we loved them so much that we had to promote them to the front page of BuzzFeed! There's no doubt that during the next trivia night, we call dibs on being your partner. Not yet earned In The Stars Let's be real: Whenever you meet someone, you...