1 % organic cow’s milk was always the refrigerator staple. These days I also stock a plant milk (or two), which changes depending on who is home and what looks interesting on any given day.To
“The whole concept of dividing it up into ‘value’ and ‘growth’ strikes me as twaddle. It’s convenient for a bunch of pension fund consultants to get fees prattling about and a way for one advisor to distinguish himself from another. But, to me, all intelligent investing is value in...
Jim Gillies:No. I mean, I've gone through I've got a whole list of the notes of what's changed this quarter. But we'll start with Capital One and the banks if you want. First off with Capital One, as you say, they've added about a billion-dollar position. It's 9.9 million...
I’m not going to buy anything new this year. Except food. And soap. And toilet paper. Recycled toilet paper. Okay, let me start over. I’m not going to buy any new, non-consumablethings. Except I already have. Yesterday. So, what’s all this about? After spending the last eight ...
first Dob and probably your first serioys scope. A 12 inch scope is a big scope and learning to use it effectively is a challenge. I personally think it's wiser to start with something more manageable, get your feet wet.. you may not like the whole Dob thing, lots of people don't...
his crew mutinied.One member of the crew tried to gain control of the ship.Jones shot the man to death.The mutiny took place near the port of Tobago,an island in the Caribbean.Authorities thers decided to have a trial.This meant certain death for John Paul Jones,since the whole crew ...
and the diagonal with a Stellarvue enhanced diagonal. The original diagonal was good - the Stellarvue is better. The best improvements/accessories for this scope are a RA drive, dewshield, and a full aperture Solar filter. The whole scope/mount can be picked up in one hand and carried out...
Promising review: "I have a whole room filled with cat toys that my cat is not interested in. It's funny how the least expensive cat toy I have makes him go crazy. He plays with this until he's panting like a dog and I have never seen him jump so high. I'm certain this toy ...