Buying On Margin Definition Buying on Margin refers to the process in which an investor who purchases an asset, say stock, home, or any financial instrument, makes a down payment, a small portion of asset value. The asset bought will serve as collateral for an unpaid amount. The balance am...
Buying onmarginoccurs when an investor buys an asset by borrowing the balance from a bank or broker. Buying on margin refers to the initial payment made to the broker for the asset—for example, 10% down and 90% financed. The investor uses the marginable securities in their broker account ...
ValueNameDefinition 5 Kept Your creative served on managed inventory.Note: We currently only display cost for Creative Overage Fee. All other monetary metrics are set to zero out by design. 7 RTB Your creative served on third-party inventory. 9 External Impression An impression from an impression...
ValueNameDefinition 5 Kept Your creative served on managed inventory. Note: We currently only display cost for Creative Overage Fee. All other monetary metrics are set to zero out by design. 7 RTB Your creative served on third-party inventory. 9 External Impression An impression from an impres...