Beware Risks of Buying off the PlanMORTGAGE broker 1300HomeLoan has warned first homebuyers to understand the risks before buying a home off the plan following a raft of new government subsidies pushing them to buy new homes.
No matter how well you plan, hidden expenses may still creep up. When Foust and his husband built, they encountered a $20,000 discrepancy in a bill to excavate dirt for the build. But they found that, by using a reputable builder, they were able to head off a lot of problems. “Whe...
When buying an off-plan property, you pay a percentage of the total amount upfront. You may have to make installment payments to make the minimum required equity, and you may need to take out a loan to pay the balance upon project completion. While buying off plan is typically less expen...
Buying off-plan usually allows you to purchase a property at a fixed price which, by the time it is completed, will usually already have some value. There are normally mortgage loan packages available for qualifying buyers. These properties are also usually quite popular for rental investme...
Business plan. CO— aims to bring you inspiration from leading respected experts. However, before making any business decision, you should consult a professional who can advise you based on your individual situation. CO—is committed to helping you start, run and grow your small business. Learn...
Am I better off renting or buying a home? The decision to rent or buy a home differs for everyone, as there are benefits to both. Buying a home could be a better deal for you depending on how long you plan to live in your home and the loan you choose What are the advantages of...
Get started:Research the requirements for the loan you want so you know exactly how much you’ll need to save for a down payment. If a friend, relative or employer has offered to provide a down payment gift, initiate a conversation early on to learn how much they plan to contribute and...
Bank of America Practice Solutions is a division of Bank of America, N.A. All programs subject to credit approval and loan amounts are subject to creditworthiness. Some restrictions may apply. Bank of America may prohibit use of an account to pay off or pay down another Bank of ...
Buying your first home is a huge step, but tax deductions available to you as a homeowner can reduce your tax bill.
(For example, do you plan to relocate for work? Go back to school? Expand your family?) Is homeownership in my preferred neighborhood achievable, or would I need to expand my search zone? Bottom line The answer to the rent vs. buy debate isn’t cut and dried. It’s important to ...