euros 1 evening 28 event 2 events 50 ewe 1 excavator 1 excited 1 excitement 2 exercise 6 exercising 2 exit 7 exploration 2 exploring 2 export 1 exterior 17 extreme 3 eye 21 eyes 10 eyewear 1 F 1 fabric 4 façade 2 face 45 face Hofudstodin 1 Face...
My budget is max 1100 euros. I could go with ryzen 7 Its not the Ryzen 5 vs Ryzen 7 that matters. What people are talking about is the generation. A Ryzen 7 from 5 years ago is worse than a Ryzen5 (or probably even a Ryzen3) from today. Its more important to track genera...
The Victoria government forecasts that a revenue of A$245 million (about €176.5 million euros, from a population of 5.5 million) will be raised from fines levied on drivers breaking Victorian road rules, a large proportion being from speed limit enforcement, in 2011. I’m not advocating a ...
small in size and for a price that ranges between 125,000 and 150,000 euros. On the other hand, second-home buyers are between 45 and 55 years old, and in most cases, they are couples looking for a home with higher benefits, greater comforts, or holiday residences. Preferred Communicatio...
I buy the Orange month-long service for around 20 euros. It includes unlimited calls and text and limited, but enough data. However, this year, I will take an eight-day side trip to Italy in the middle of my stay and will need limited calls and text while there. What would you ...
However in London, some of the big department stores, such as Marks and Spencer or Selfridges, accept payment in Euros and/or dollars. But the exchange rate is liable to be unfavourable. It would be far better to withdraw pounds from an ATM (cash machine, cash distributor, cashpoint) and...
The Saudi Arabian government came close to buying control of Italian surveillance software company Hacking Team, notorious for selling its product to undemocratic regimes, according to hacked emails posted by WikiLeaks.
You can buy a “Mehrtagesticket” single person pass for 26 euros/person or the “Partner-Mehrtagesticket” family/partner pass (2 adults and any children under 18 years of age are included) for 48 euros. These options are great for those who plan to visit more...
Budget: Max 1500$/ 1350 Euros. P.S. I live in Europe, and I will not move any time soon. Buying from the U.S. is not an option. I7 Quad Core CPU - I have not found a laptop that has this and a good... View full post Sort by date Sort by votes...