Used Books are Relatively Cheap When figuring out the amount of money you need to attend college, the cost of textbooks may not be at the top of your mind. This is particularly true given the high costs of tuition and accommodation. However, once the first year begins, students realize how...
Another place where you might want to rent your college textbooks is with On the site, you can findcheap college textbookrentals. According to, you can save up to 90% on new and used textbook rentals. You can search for the books that you want using the ISBN,...
If so, you might want to consider purchasing used college textbooks. Not only does purchasing used college textbooks help save you money, it also reduces the number of new textbooks that need to be produced. Nothing like saving the planet and getting cheap textbooks at the same time. As a...
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Buying Books for College By Brent Chiodo Why you need to know this How to find which books you need Techniques for getting the best deal Selling books back at the best price Tips & Tricks Why you need to know this I don’t need to tell you this: textbooks are expensive. The book pub...
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