resale price 转售价格 resale parts 【经】 供转卖的零件 fixed resale price 约定转售价格 wedding banquet resale 婚宴转让 相似单词 resale n. 再贩卖,转售,零售 buying in 买进在伦敦证券交易所(*London Stock Exchange)买进部门的正式经纪人,为了协助不能在预订日期履行交割(*delivery)义务的其它会员而...
buying for resale 英 [ˈbaɪɪŋ fɔː(r) ˈriːseɪl] 美 [ˈbaɪɪŋ fɔːr ˈriːseɪl]转售采购,为转手销售而购买
buying for resale 英文buying for resale 中文【经】 为转售而购买
英语翻译A buyer is a person who buys and prices merchandise for resale.Buying is the act of purchasing consumer goods in relatively large or wholesale quantities for subsequent resale in smaller retail lots to consumers. 答案 采购人是采购商品并重新标价出售者.采购是为了零售给消费者而大量或批量购买...
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can maximize the resale value of their used trucks. Daimler Trucks North America LLC president of remarketing Richard Simons states that first owners must think about vehicle specifications that would appeal to the markets. Peterbilt Motors Co. director of marketing David Giroux notes that purchasing ...
Apply for an auto loan Once you’re 100% sure that an auto loan is the right financing option, you may proceed with the application. Choose the lender that offers the best deal. You may submit multiple applications. However, doing it in a short period of time isn’t recommended as these...
You can also pick up a refurbished phone from auction sites like eBay, high-street retailers, and specialist resale-and-recycle sites such as Envirofone. Uswitch: Here at Uswitch, we let you compare a range of Grade A refurbished iPhones from reputable retailers to find the right deal for ...
Individual ticket prices for Super Bowl LIX will fluctuate day by day and vary based on the type of seat you purchase. Historically, the cost of the average Super Bowl resale ticket has ranged between $4,000 and $6,000. Keep checking back at Ticketmaster to see what tickets are available...
Your location options will be limited by whether you intend to actively manage the property or hire someone else to do that for you. If you intend to activelymanage it yourself, you don't want a property that's too far from where you live. If you are going to get aproperty management...