Readandanswer. Languagenotes: 1.我们的篮球队已经被邀请去另一个城市打球。 Ourbasketballteamhasbeeninvitedtoplayinanothercity! 2.我们需要为这个队伍赚点钱。 Weneedtomakesomemoneyfortheteam! 3.你的价格是多少呢? Whatisthepriceofyourcookies? 4.一美元四个 ...
New Study Notes Selling notes is an excellent way to earn some extra money. You get paid for the hard work you already executed. It's more fun than the average student side job. If you become a top seller, you might even be able to quit your side job! Earn money by uploading study...
Read the passage and finish the task in class orally. Step 4 Practice Make a note to introduce some more business English you know. Work in groups to finish the task. After a while, some groups present their notes in front of the class. When the students are writing,the teacher walks ...
No. 3 Important notes: No one was around. Ms. Liu received an e-mail from Rose. Help Yourself! Please take eggs from the baskets and leave your money in the box. We appreciate your honesty. We were surprised to find that the farmer was so trusting. No. 4 The grammar:Object Clause....
8.Howmuchmoneydidtheymakebysellingcookies? 9.Whatdidtheydowiththemoney? 10.WhatdidDavidthinkofsellingcookies? poster storybook 1.Mycookieslookedlikehearts. looklike看起来像 belike“像是……样子” Languagenotes: 2.Atlunchtime,weputuptablesinthehallandsoldthe ...
Unit 3 Buying and Selling Lesson 17: Who Will Buy it? 主 : 李建枝九年 英 Teaching Aims To grasp these words: pay, money, price, ad To grasp these expressions: pay for, make money, think of, invent a new product To learn something about ads. Teaching Procedures Key Steps Step 1: ...
当它只时来到颜色我需要小片断。[translate] aIn addition to buying and selling products, e-business may also handle other traditional business aspects. 除买卖的产品之外,电子商务也许也处理其他传统企业方面。[translate]
Language notes He would make something useful that people would like to buy. 他想制造一些实用而人们又 愿意购买的东西。 something useful有用的东西 something为不定代词,用形容词修饰的时候应 将形容词后置。 useful是由use(用途,用法)加后缀-ful派生而 来,意为“有用的...
英语翻译 Money is used for buying or selling goods,for measuring value and for storing wealth.Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper notes of one kind or another.However,this has not always been true.In primitive societies a system of barter was used.Barter ...