Lower Interest Rates Spark Savings Bond Buying FrenzyThe Treasury's announcement that it might lower theminimum guaranteed interest rate on U.S...Bill Menezes, Ap
Preparing for a child’s future is just as important as preparing for the day he/she comes home for the hospital. Buying a saving bond or CD (certificate deposit) for a small amount of money now will eventually turn into a substantial amount when it’s time for the little one to head ...
In order to get your guaranteed Treasury bond return, you have to hold the bonds until maturity. If you don't, you may have to sell at a discount if rates stay flat or go up. The discount ultimately gets translated into having to pay more for the item you're looking to buy. Most ...
Houses aren’t nearly as affordable for today’s young families. Many millennials entered the labor market in the wake of the great recession, so they earned less, faced more joblessness, accumulated less savings, than previous generations, and carry far more student debt to ...