Everything You Need to Know about Buying a House When You Have Student Loan Debt It's no secret that student loan debt can put a serious damper on your plans for the future, especially when it comes to buying your first home. Some studies even suggest that student loan debt w...
Buying a house is much easier with cash. You don't have to wait for an inspection, appraisal, or underwriting. Home sellers will also usually favor cash buyers so they don't have to deal with lending timelines, which means your cash offer is more likely to be accepted. Even though an ...
Take your holiday decor in a fresh direction with an unconventional color palette and a bit of whimsy. Karen DybisDec. 12, 2024 6 Holiday Front Porch Decor Ideas Spruce up your outdoor space this holiday season with these easy decorating tips. ...
If you have a sufficient amount of cash, you don't have to use a home loan to purchase a house and can instead buy one outright. This would save you the most money in the long run, since you won't be paying interest on your debt, but if you're repaying your student loans, this...
a home mortgage interest deduction when using the proceeds from a line of credit. In that case, the line of credit would serve as “bridge financing” allowing you to come to the table with cash, and later (within 90 days of closing) replace the outstanding...
Most married or engaged couples thinking of buying a house combine their income and credit scores when applying for a mortgage. But sometimes, doing so may not help you achieve your goals, provoking the question: Can a married couple buy a home with only one partner’s name on the mortgage...
He does make a slight exception for buying a house, however, and this is most likely because, if you can keep the mortgage payment low enough, it’s worth taking on this debt because it does become an investment. Plus, you’d be paying that money toward rent if it wasn’t going towa...
13. Close on your house Once all contingencies have been met, you’re happy with the final walk-through and your lender has declared your loan “clear to close,” it’s finally time to make it official and close on your new home. After all of the paperwork has been signed, the home...
house for $150,000 house, and they've got $110,000 left on the mortgage. If they sell it the regular way, where you get your own loan from a bank, then $110,000 of the your new mortgage will pay off the seller's old mortgage, and the seller will wind up with $40,000 in ...
Should You Rent or Buy a House? Pros and Cons: This guide helps veterans evaluate the pros and cons of renting versus buying a home based on their financial goals. Essential Guide to Personal Financial Support for Veterans: Financial planning is essential for veterans beyond homebuying. This pa...