The long-awaited collaboration between Gintama and Japan’s prestigious porcelain brand Noritake is finally here. This exclusive cup and saucer set merges fine … Continue Reading about Gintama x Noritake: Exquisite Cup & Saucer Collection “Celebrate 25 Years of Digimon with Exclusive Streetwear!” ...
Buyee是一家位于日本的一站式代购平台,它代替您将在Yahoo! JAPAN拍卖中成功得标的商品运送到海外。无论是在日本购物还是参加拍卖,Buyee都能为您提供专业的代购服务,让您的购物体验更加快捷、便利。 一、首先,Buyee拥有24小时自助下标系统,让您可以随时随地进行购物。 无论您是白天还是夜晚,只需登录Buyee平台,即可开始...
JAPAN拍卖、Yahoo! JAPAN购物、Mercari、日本Rakuten、ZOZOTOWN的代购网站,网址为,手机上可以下载APP。 buyeee海淘钢笔的优势和劣势 一、优势 1、足够便宜,有大量全新库存的产品,有很多十几只,数十只,甚至上百只的钢笔拍卖,越大的组合平均单只的成本就越低; 2、品类非常丰富,当年日本很阔,所以可以在...
Buyee,日本一站式代购平台,代替您将在Yahoo! JAPAN拍卖中成功得标的商品运送到海外。24小时自助下标系统一站式现地专业代bid代拍代购日本各类商品產品简单方便迅速快捷绝不取巧 Buyee会帮助您在「Yahoo! JAPAN购物」・「Yahoo! JAPAN拍卖」完成购买以及下标,并且发送到海外。
So buyee is really cool that as an international buyer you have the opportunity to buy things from Japan 5 stars for it. But what is unfortunately very bad and I'm really sorry is the support, if you do something wrong, you won't be for, There is no real help with problems to help...
Buyee,日本一站式代購平台,代替您将在Yahoo! JAPAN拍賣中成功得标的商品運送到海外。24小時自助下标系統一站式現地專業代bid代拍代購日本各類商品產品簡單方便迅速快捷絕不取巧 Buyee會幫助您在「Yahoo! JAPAN購物」・「Yahoo! JAPAN拍賣」完成購買以及下标,并且發送到海外。
To cut across the jungle of global delivery, the buyer could come up with an exceptional strategy. The organization’s international shipping system permits them to deliver the merchandise from Japan or anycountry. This reduces the workload of the workers. ...
buyee did not want to help in any way, the only way of having a refund is thru paypal by sending the item back paying for shipping directory to japan. They did not care the item came broken even after pictures and everything... absolutely avoid it Date of experience: 02 May 2024 ...
在Buyee,顾客除了可以轻松在Amazon、日本Rakuten、JDirectItems Shopping网站进行购物外,也可以在一般使用转运过程中无法使用的拍卖网站(JDirectItems Auction)协助顾客代理下标。 特别是日本第一的拍卖网站『JDirectItems Auction』,该平台上有种类繁多极具价值的稀有品,也可以找到很多物美价廉的商品,顾客可以尽情享受购物乐...
In Japan you have to pay high fees between 200-300yen for a bank transfer, it's not free like it is in many other companies, and you can't use Paypal or anything like that with Yahoo auctions, so buyee has to pay through bank transfer and you have to pay these fees. (which you...