The cryptocurrency Verge was founded as DogeCoinDark by a software developer namedSunerokin 2014. DogeCoinDark became Verge in 2016.XVG traded at under $0.01 per coin until December 13 last year. Then it began its meteoric rise, peaking at nearly 28 cents on December 24. According to theVe...
This man has made more money trading CryptoKitties than investing in his individual retirement account (IRA), (Comments) by Shannon Liao, The Verge, December 2017 -- Todd -a 30-year-old -spent 30 ether in total in the casino so far, but his kitty portfolio, at the time of the intervie...
Venezuela’s oil-backed cryptocurrency is hardly used, and the government has made no move to tap into its oil reserves as promised, areport fromReutersfound last week. The petro can’t be found on any major bitcoin exchange, including Coinbase or Bitfinex, and it isn’t accepted by retai...