LE CREUSET 米奇90周年紀念 限定典藏商品 發售日:2018年11月16日(五) 販售地點: LE CREUSET 日本國內門市、伊勢丹新宿、日本橋三越、 銀座三越、橫濱SOGO、西武池袋、JR京都伊勢丹、大丸梅田、LE CREUSET線上商店或其他網購通路 •米奇 90周年設計款 浮雕鑄鐵圓鍋 18cm 櫻桃紅 30,000日幣+稅 •烤盅組/米奇 ...
知名鍋具製造商「LE CREUSET」的新商品「Petal collection」系列, 自2020年5月27日(三)起,LE CREUSET實體門市・LE CREUSET線上商店、 日本全國百貨銷售通路・專售店等通路,展開期間限定販售。 出處:https://www.lecreuset.co.jp/quicknews/202005_petal 新商品「Petal collection」系列,以輕舞飄揚的可愛花瓣作為廚...
Le Creuset 现有 精选高颜值珐琅铸铁锅及厨房用品买多省多满$200送酱汁壶 + 低至7折。 购物满$200送船型酱汁壶,需使用优惠码FALL。 搭配5件产品,满$500享7.5折,或者满$1000享7折,需使用折扣码BUILDASET。 精选不粘烤盘额外7折,无需折扣码。
02 “厨具爱马仕”Le Creuset大促75折+,铸铁锅全场8折,低至$28.5起! Le Creuset酷彩季中大促铸铁锅、不粘锅、烧水壶咖啡壶、马克杯等全场$7.5起这个鸡蛋杯的设计简直太戳中少女心了!完全没法拒绝这种奇奇怪怪可可爱爱的东西!大小...
I’ve always been a proponent of making spice rubs and mixes, but that’s a little elitist. First, I’ve got deep knowledge of individual ingredients, and second, I used to have a deep spice library to pull from in my restaurant kitchen. I’ve relaxed that view these days because I ...
When it comes toshopping, many of us have become used to finding what we want at the click of a finger and having it delivered if not instantaneously, then within a few working days. How much thought is given to the life of the item? Where it came from and where it’ll eventually ...
The cast iron saucepans can also be used on all types of hobs – even on an open fire when cooking outdoors. The cast iron saucepans with an enamel surface, are also good for baking bread in, for example. Pure cast iron saucepans transfer iron into the food you are cooking, which ...
Sure, Le Creuset Dutch ovens are pricey, but they're truly heirloom quality. There's a reason why all the grandmas of the world still have Le Creuset cookware from decades past — they literally last for generations. This deep Dutch oven is perfect for soup and stew season, and it's on...
I’d start with a large cast-iron skillet,a cast-iron Dutch oven(plain or enameled if you want to spring for it) and a stainless steel saucepan. I never would have bought all those Teflon-coated pans that I used to own long ago. ...
that is constructed for everyday versatile use. It is made of cast iron to give you the best heat distribution and retention.This is one of the best dish lasagna pans you can buy online. It stands out for its ability to go in the oven or broiler as well as be used on the stovetop...