Sell it yourself privately for cash. Search your make and model online for price and availability onprivate-party salesitessuch as eBay and Craigslist. Sell to a used-car dealer such as CarMax orCarvana. Ask for its guaranteed cash price and compare it with what you’ve found online. ...
Buy Nothing: the Bottom Line The main thing to remember is that "buy nothing" isn't all or nothing. Buy joining, you aren't pledging to never buy anything again, never hold a garage sale or never list something for sale oneBay, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Of course, you're g...
eBay and Craigslist are filled with spammy park ticket sellers. Be careful and don’t buy tickets from them! There are stories every year about people’s identities being stolen and tickets being faked. Avoid these people trying to sell Disneyland tickets. ...
I buy and sell so much stuff on craigslist–I look at craigslist almost as a rental company. The idea is to buy something used when I need it and attempt to sell it immediately after it’s unnecessary for the same price I bought it at. This is most relevant with my approach to chi...