1.sell to cover/close 卖出以平仓 2.sell to open 卖出以开仓short put sell put 卖出看跌期权 两...
sell to close ,buy to close 就是你想要平仓的时候应该下的单,相当于建仓的反向操作。至于position就...
Buy-to-close orders also come into play when covering ashort-sellposition. A short-sell position borrows the shares through the broker and is closed out by buying back the shares in the open market. The last transaction to completely close out the position is known as the buy-to-close ord...
All closing long option trades are marked “Sell to Close” (STC). All initiating short options trades are marked “Sell to Open” (STO). Closing short positions in options are marked “Buy to Close” (BTC). Spread trading can involve both Buy/Sell to Open as well as Buy/Sell to Clos...
(We have similar post on the opposite trade:Sell To Open vs Sell To Close) There are two ways you can participate in theoptionsmarket: you can buy or you can sell. This sounds simple enough. Except there’s more to it: when you buy or sell, you can also either open or close. ...
Buy to open的買家有兩種主要的平倉方式: 一個是行使權利用合約價取得(Call)或賣(Put) 100股。 或是sell to close用現金平倉。 期權賣家無法主動執行權利: 等買家行使權利賣出(Call)或買(Put) 100股。 或者用buy to close用現金平倉。 交易策略股票平倉現金平倉 ...
What Is Buy to Open vs. Sell to Close? Both buy to open and sell to close are options transactions. In buy to open trades, the trader buys an options contract to open a position, whereas in sell to close, the trader sells an existing options contract that was bought to open. When ...
我看大道的分享,好像只有到期不想被call走才会Buy to close(同时sell to open ),其他时候不会buy to close ,在决策前算好收益率,就忽略市场波动,静等到期了。这里我要反思自己:有时候会buy to close 剩余价值较低但尚未到期的options,为了腾出正股或现金等待下一个
作者: Sell to open:25/02/27到期行权价440的call,收到15.26; Buy to close:24/12/20到期行权价420的call,支出8.26; 现金流为+7块。//@HealthierLonger:$腾讯控股(00700)$今天有一些420的call到期,下午试试roll out,权益金其实只收了一点点,现在看起来卖这个价位的短期call是亏的...
GlobalMarketChest is a spigot plugin that allows to easily create global shops to sell and buy auctions. You interact with shops through graphical interfaces. It can be easily configured and customized. - EpiCanard/GlobalMarketChest