1.sell to cover/close 卖出以平仓 2.sell to open 卖出以开仓short put sell put 卖出看跌期权 两...
buy to open, sell to open 就是你要建仓的时候来买或者卖的期权。sell to close ,buy to close ...
· 或者用buy to close用现金平仓。 卖期权专属的转仓技巧 不过选择权卖家还有一个秘密武器就是转仓,也叫做rolling,主要是结合buy to close和sell to open将选择权延到未来的截止日。 如果我们早前卖的MSFT看涨Put因为股价走向错误造成价内亏损,只要我们觉得MSFT接下来还是看涨,我们可以在离截止日14天的时候buy to...
或者用buy to close用現金平倉。 賣期權專屬的轉倉技巧 不過選擇權賣家還有一個秘密武器就是轉倉,也叫做rolling,主要是結合buy to close和sell to open將選擇權延到未來的截止日。 如果我們早前賣的MSFT看漲Put因為股價走向錯誤造成價內虧損,只要我們覺得MSFT接下來還是看漲,我們可以在離截止日14天的時候buy to clo...
3. 卖出开仓(Sell to open)同买入开仓相反,如果投资人想做空一组合约的价格,则选择卖出开仓。同样以FB为例,如果投资人看涨FB,那么FB 看跌期权(以下简称put)的价格会下跌。所以可以选择做空一组put来从期权价格下跌中获利,实际上相当于在做涨FB。 4. 买入平仓(Buy to close)买入平仓是卖出开仓之后要平仓所需要...
Buy to close order,中文里可以翻译为:买入平仓订单、买进平仓订单、买入冲销订单。它指的是:在交易者以sell to open(卖出开仓)方式建立一个新的空头仓位(卖出一定数量的股票或期权)后,若他想对该仓位平仓(退出该仓位),则应当买入相应数量的股票或期权,此时就应当使用buy to close order。
Sell to Open (STO) Sell to Close (STC) On some trading platforms, this box will be pre-selected for you. Other trading platforms give traders the choice to choose whether or not the trade is closing or opening. However, regardless of what you choose here, the order will default to the...
It’s important to note that a buy to open order is different from a sell to close order. While buy to open establishes a new position, sell to close is used to exit an existing position by selling the security or options contract that is already held. ...
What Is Buy to Open vs. Sell to Close? Both buy to open and sell to close are options transactions. In buy to open trades, the trader buys an options contract to open a position, whereas in sell to close, the trader sells an existing options contract that was bought to open. When ...
Establishing a new short position is calledsell to open, which would be closed out with abuy-to-closeorder. If a new options investor wants to sell a call or a put, that investor should sell to open.1 Key Takeaways A buy-to-open order is generally used by traders to open positions ...