或者用buy to close用現金平倉。 賣期權專屬的轉倉技巧 不過選擇權賣家還有一個秘密武器就是轉倉,也叫做rolling,主要是結合buy to close和sell to open將選擇權延到未來的截止日。 如果我們早前賣的MSFT看漲Put因為股價走向錯誤造成價內虧損,只要我們覺得MSFT接下來還是看漲,我們可以在離截止日14天的時候buy to clo...
sell to close ,buy to close 就是你想要平仓的时候应该下的单,相当于建仓的反向操作。至于position就...
Buy to Open, Buy to Close】 我们刚刚讲了,所谓期权,到时候就会执行的。其实
All closing long option trades are marked “Sell to Close” (STC). All initiating short options trades are marked “Sell to Open” (STO). Closing short positions in options are marked “Buy to Close” (BTC). Spread trading can involve both Buy/Sell to Open as well as Buy/Sell to Clos...
我确实不买option,包括buy to close。一切在卖的那个时刻就决定了。平仓是trade option的行为,和我的逻辑不太一样。
Buy to close order,中文里可以翻译为:买入平仓订单、买进平仓订单、买入冲销订单。它指的是:在交易者以sell to open(卖出开仓)方式建立一个新的空头仓位(卖出一定数量的股票或期权)后,若他想对该仓位平仓(退出该仓位),则应当买入相应数量的股票或期权,此时就应当使用buy to close order。
purchase:buy a car;to acquire by exchange or concession; to bribe:to buy votes;to accept or believe:I don’t buy that story. Not to be confused with: by– next to; close to; a house by the sea; through the authority of:a study by the EPA;according to:a lousy movie by anyone’...
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The term buy to close is used when a trader is net short an option position and wants to exit that open position. In other words, they already have an open position, by way ofwriting an option, for which they have received a net credit, and now seek to close that position.1Traders ...
Option sellers have an advantageover buyers because of time decay, but they may still want to buy to close their positions. When an investor sells options, the investor remains obligated by the terms of those options until the expiration date. However, movements in the price of the security ...