“买入传闻,卖出事实”(Buy the rumor, sell the news/fact)是金融市场中常用的一句格言,用来描述资产价格如何受到市场预期和实际新闻事件的影响。 这句话的含义主要包括: 1. 买入传闻:当某个传闻或预期开始在市场中传播时,投资者可能会基于这个传闻进行交易。例如,如果市场预期某公司即将发布超出预期的盈利报告,...
只要是炒作,套路大同小异。国外的投资圈有句名言:Buy the rumour, sell the news(买在谣言起,卖在消息出),就是说,你要在某个事件还没有成为事实之前,不断买入并且散步消息将它推到很高的估值。一旦消息公布,意味着短期热点终止,第一时间选择套利离场。美股Tilray在大嘛合法化后的走势就是典型的题材炒作案例,利...
1. Buy the rumor, Sell the news(买传闻卖新闻) 举个例子,如果一家公司传出消息说业绩好过预期,那么股价通常会马上上升。但是,当最终财务报告出台证实业绩增长之时,大家已经完全消化该预期,最终股价反而会下降。 换言之,要炒消息,就是在消息出台一刻部署,到最后落地之时已经人走茶凉。 同时,任何资产市场的价...
买在谣言起,卖在消息出 Buy the Rumor, Sell the News 所有观点和复盘,所有提到的大盘和板块和个股都是记录和总结我自己投资历程,不作为投资推荐,盈亏自负,风险自担,请谨慎参考。 标题的这句话是华尔街的经典名言,今天用在防疫概念股上,尤其贴切。比如康希诺。分时从14到负14,有的人吃了一碗30CM的大面。这个...
$贵州茅台(SH600519)$ 华尔街有句股谚:buy the rumor,sell the news,买传闻、卖事实,利好落地即利空。宣布大幅提高分红,也就意味着 贵州茅台 的武器库快用完了,未来没有更大的利好。无法托住股价,只能继续向下寻底,熊市不言底,底部深不可测。
Buy the Rumor, Sell the NewsLarry Doyle
Trending News On the Move Market Pulse Global Markets Notable Calls Buybacks Commodities Cryptocurrency Debt/Share Issuance Dividends - Stocks Dividends - Funds Guidance IPOs SPACs Politics M&A US Economy Wall Street Breakfast News by Sector Consumer Energy Financials Healthcare Tech Earnings Earnings Cal...
Buy the rumor, sell the news is a market adage based on the belief that stock prices move in anticipation of rumors and rebound when profit taking occurs after the actual news is released. It’s a risky tactic of stock trading based on just rumors or moving events. The investor, who st...
Buy the rumour, sell the news Remember, the stock market is a forward-looking prediction machine. It tries to discount the value of what it sees through the mists of time ahead via today’s share prices. It’s doing this all the time. ...
aGood, so you sent some pictures?) Good, so you sent some pictures?)[translate] acroupier 副主持人[translate] a高氏一号培养基 Gao culture medium[translate] aBuy on the Rumor, sell on the News. 购买在谣言,出售在新闻。[translate]