Elon Musk’s second take on the Roadster name is supposed to be much more successful than the first one. The Roadster Mk2 should, by all means, be the most advanced Tesla model yet, and one of the most advanced and best new 2020 cars at the same time. The stylish 2+2 roadster with...
Elon Musk has given more details about Tesla’s upcoming pickup truck in a recentinterview withRecode. The Tesla CEO noted that he wants it to be a “futuristic-like cyberpunk,Blade Runnerpickup truck” and that he doesn’t care if many people want to buy it. Musk has been open abou...
细细回味,我把驾驶Tesla Roadster Sport的这种独特感受归咎为三点:一是无需任何准备、呼之即来的巨大扭矩;二是强大动力爆发过程中那种悄无声息的神秘感;三是单速变速箱带来的连贯性。于是,Tesla Roadster Sport就像是武侠小说中某些暗器高手使用的薄如纸片的飞刀:快、犀利、无声无息。这辆电动跑车另一显著的驾驶特...
即便只是非常短暂的接触,我还是要说,Tesla Roadster Sport是一辆很酷、很in、很好玩的车——豪雅的背书无疑进一步增添了其时尚气息。如果现在你手头有20万美元(或者欧元)闲钱,那么请非常认真地考虑我的如下建议:拿出10万美元买一辆Roadster——这不仅是一件最时尚的外衣,还是一个非常好玩的玩具;然后用剩下的10万美...