The real hobby killers are not telescopes or binoculars. This hobby is not easy. It takes heart and spirit, it takes curiosity and perseverance. Sleepless nights, clouds and wind, heat and cold, mosquitoes.. Driving hours only to get clouded out or worse. If every night was warm with a ...
or worse. Something I don't care if it gets dropped and broken. The kind of eyepieces that are included free with various telescopes, the junky ones to put it plainly. They are generally just good
What is naked eye astronomy? Read our comprehensive guide and learn to study the night sky without the aid of lenses or telescopes. Helpful tools include star charts.
red wavelength of H-alpha and SII without attenuation by the window coating. For RGB color balance, without passing the near IR wavelengths above 700nm, a separate removable 2-inch UV/IR filter with the desirable passband characteristics is placed in a custom filter holder in...
By 1632, astronomers had all but abandoned the Ptolemaic system, which had become untenable in the light of the evidence from telescopes for more than 20 years, which showed, for example, that Mercury and Venus orbited the sun. By that late stage, the majority of astronomers had adopted ...
which is about an hour’s drive from NASA’s shuttle launch facility in Cape Canaveral and the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Mackenzie Calle captured Murphy during some out-of-this-world training exercises and also interviewed the astronaut-to-be. Their conversation spanned very large telescopes, ...
Here in Magdalena, we might consider the Stony Ridge example as we move forward toward a club-owned observatory site. We've had good luck finding very unusual and interesting surplus telescopes that need refurbishment and long-term housing. Ranch land here is only about $1,000/acre, if one...
I know that reaction! Went there in November while stopping over on a return from Taipei and realized I could by a Pentax XW for $80US less from Dave #12 etsleds Posted11 April 2010 - 01:33 AM Shopping has been fun, but mostly a bust in terms of prices. Seihosha ...