We use FedEx and USPS for all online orders and checkout through our shopping cart. Rates are discounted. For USA PO Box and APO addresses, FedEx requires a physical address. We will change online orders to USPS for the same shipping amount to accommodate these special cases. To request USP...
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6. How to place order online? Performa invoice will be sent after confirmation from the client along with our bank details. In the same time we also accept PO as an confirmation to prepare the shipment. Why choose us? 1.Higher quality products (>=99% purity) for most of peptides...
6. How to place order online? Performa invoice will be sent after confirmation from the client along with our bank details. In the same time we also accept PO as an confirmation to prepare the shipment. Why choose us? 1.Higher quality products (>=99% purity) for most of peptides and...