You can buy your Japan Rail Pass via this website in a few easy steps. Once your online order is confirmed, we send your Exchange Order (JR voucher) by post. You can receive it either home before you leave or have it delivered to your temporary residence in Japan. The voucher needs ...
included in jr pass is the following limited express trains included in japan rail pass or japan east pass or both (a... Questions and Answers Why use a Japan Rail Pass? How long does delivery take? Who is eligible for the Japan Rail Pass? How do I get help with my order?More quest...
Discover Japan with unlimited train rides with a JR Pass! Authorized distributor. Get your 7, 14 or 21 day passes wherever you are with worldwide delivery.
Please note that JR Rail has many separate entities such as JR East, JR Central, JR Hokkaido, etc. Depending on the pass you buy, you will have to go to that specific company’s office to redeem your pass. The JR Rail Pass is only issued domestically in Japan. When you order on Klo...
you want to use all non-bullet JR trains 5 you want to use the Hiroshima-Miyajima ferry 6 you don't need the Nozomi or Mizuho class 'commuter' bullet trains 7 you are looking for the best value Japan Rail Pass Eligibility You are a foreign tourist visiting Japan from abroad for sight-...
With so many interesting and fun places to check out in Japan, travelers often need to consider the best option for traveling around the country. Fortunately, Japan is a nation revered for its public transportation, and much of these facilities are acces
Japan Rail Pass Unlimited travels throughout Japan by train Order The Benefits Of The JR Pass How to imagine a trip in Japan without the JR Pass? Easy to use, the JR Pass offers a hassle-free travel, with transportation flexibility and huge savings, as the cost of train transportation, ...
The Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass) is a cost-efficient 7-day, 14-day, or 21-day travel pass available exclusively for foreign visitors to Japan. Learn about the features of the JR Pass and how to buy it, along with restrictions and price information.
Getting this Unlimited JR Whole Japan Raill Pass is a MUST! My partner and I spent a 2-week vacation in Japan recently. 1 week in Osaka and 1 week in Tokyo. This is the most convenient and efficient transport tickets that we purchased so far. We used it for taking the Shinkansen and...
Hi there! I will buy JR PASS to travel in Japan and my question is how can I go to Osaka Castle from KIX airport with JR PASS? Please tell me the easiest and shortest way with the simplest explanations. Thanks in advance :) over a year ago Answer 6 answers Reviewed this...