ebay上的buy it 在拍卖方式里填了起拍价, 然后旁边有个buy it now,是不是有人出了这个价就可以直接买走了?比如说起拍价$99,buy it now是
buy it now 现在购买的意思,如果是总价物品就是立即出价.buy 买 it 代词 它 now 现在 是现在就买的意思,也就是说,你只要点击它,就可以出价了,我是这么理解的,哦呵呵~~~
reserve price是ebay的收费功能,如果物品没有拍出去,要收取卖家的费用,好像是2美元,成功被拍走则不收费。 2017-11-07 0 0 要话烧给eBay New(other)(全新):Lowest Price——点击该产品,上面的产品详情区域就变成了它。点击Buy It Now,可直接购买。 2017-11-07 0 0 要回复问题请先登录或注册 精选服务...
eBay的操作模式是竞拍(auction)和一口价(buy-it-now),Amazon则是卖方定价。eBay上很多是个人转售的二手用品,少… ar.newsmth.net|基于4个网页 2. 直购价 假设以直购价(Buy-It-Now) $1500.00 USD 刊登刊登费 = $4.80 USD 成交费 = ($25*5.25%)+($1000-$25)*3.25%+($1500-$1000)… ...
buy it now 是一口价的意思。bit英文是少量,少许的意思,但EBAY交易术语里没有,你说的是不是Bids?这是出价数量的意思,只有竞拍商品才有,也就是买家们在商品结束前出了几次价格。
ebay上的buy it 在拍卖方式里填了起拍价,然后旁边有个buy it now,是不是有人出了这个价就可以直接买走了?比如说起拍价$99,buy it now是200,是不是有人出了200 就直接可以拍下了?还有个reserve price,是不是指不达到这个价可以不卖出去?我找不到这个reserve price在哪里填啊?
Buy it Now is a feature for auction-style listings that is precisely what the name implies: Buyers are able to purchase an item immediately — at the specifiedItem.BuyItNowPrice— without having to place a bid for the item. Generally, once an auction-style bid receives its first bid the...
eBay: Buy It Now?Focuses on the viability of the business of Internet marketer eBay. Increase in the sales of all items eBay sells in the market; Changes in the value per share of eBay; Acquisition of PayPal by eBayl.HofRobertD.BusinessWeek Online...
Of course, it is probably not economically feasible to challenge in court. However, eBay would probably not suffer from a suit since they are merely a venue and it is the seller that is technically conducting the auction. Of course, eBay has now started to permit the BO option on auction...
Buy-it-Now listings work completely differently from anything else on eBay.Most Buy-it-Now prices are just the seller dreaming, but newly listed (less than an hour old) Buy-it-Now listings are sometimes where deals can be found. If you see something you want, meaning you've checked out...