當 IHG 有促銷的時候,歷史最低價格是 100% 獎勵時 $5 美金/千點,此時才是購買 IHG 點數的最佳時機。 購買的點數算定級點數嗎?可以升等會員? 購買的點數不算定級點數,不能用於 IHG 優悅會會籍的升等或保級。在促銷條款中也有清晰的說明: Purchased points, as well as any bonus ...
当 IHG 有促销的时候,历史最低价格是 100% 奖励时 $5 美元/千分,此时才是购买 IHG 积分的最佳时机。 购买的积分算定级积分吗?可以升级会员? 购买的积分不算定级积分,不能用于 IHG 优悦会会籍的升级或保级。在促销条款中也有清晰的说明: Purchased points, as well as any bonus poin...
Because when you buy IHG points you can get up to an80% bonusfrom IHG Rewards Club on points purchasedby October 31, 2018. Your exact bonus will vary depending on the number of points you buy. You’ll get at least a 40% bonus when you buy 5,000 points: 5,000 to 14,000 points:...
This bonus falls short of the best buy-points promotion we've seen from Marriott, but that's not to say this 50% bonus promotion can't provide good value under the right circumstances. Let's take a look at the details of this promotion and some examples of times when buying Marr...
Current promotion: 35% bonus Cost per point: 0.96¢ End date: August 9, 2024 More information about this buy Wyndham points promotion Buy now Yours Truly DC, Vignette Collection. Credit: IHG Buy Points Promotions From Other Transportation No other promotions at this time Credit: Aris/Unspla...
IHG Hotels & Resorts (One Rewards)➔ JetBlue Airways (TrueBlue) 10,000:2,000 - Unknown Bottom Line Even with a 60% bonus, this promotion to buy JetBlue points for 1.85¢ each presents a pretty poor value for your money. It falls far short of the 1.24¢-per-point value of ...
IHG积分购买优惠(50% – 100% bonus) IHG每年都会进行多次积分购买优惠活动。这些优惠的形式一般为奖励50%到100%的积分,有时是面向所有人的,有时各人收到的优惠幅度则有所不同。 日前,IHG再次开展了积分促销活动。此次促销为定向活动,每人收到的奖励积分百分比不同,最低为50%,最高为100%。活动页面在这里,...
2024年11月16日前 – IHG神秘买分优惠最高加赠100%,最高可买25万分,每个人拿到的优惠都不一样,建议自行登陆网站看一下。 2024年10月5日前 – IHG神秘买分优惠最高加赠100%,最高可买25万分,每个人拿到的优惠都不一样,建议自行登陆网站看一下。
Step 1. Go to Hyatt’s Buy Points page Head toHyatt’s points purchase page. Here, you can choose to buy points for yourself or gift points to someone else. If you’re buying for yourself, select “Purchase Bonus Points.” Step 2. Choose the number of points you want to buy ...
Simply click on “Purchase Bonus Points” under “Purchase, Share, & Gift Points” and that will kick off the process. You’ll need to have your World of Hyatt number handy when making the transaction. Once you proceed to the payment page, you will see the total number of Hyatt points ...