_hjTLDTestsessionTo determine the most generic cookie path that has to be used instead of the page hostname, Hotjar sets the _hjTLDTest cookie to store different URL substring alternatives until it fails. _s30 minutesThis cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. ...
_hjTLDTest session To determine the most generic cookie path that has to be used instead of the page hostname, Hotjar sets the _hjTLDTest cookie to store different URL substring alternatives until it fails. _s 30 minutes This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. _shopify_s...
_hjTLDTestsessionTo determine the most generic cookie path that has to be used instead of the page hostname, Hotjar sets the _hjTLDTest cookie to store different URL substring alternatives until it fails. _s30 minutesThis cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. ...
_hjTLDTest session To determine the most generic cookie path that has to be used instead of the page hostname, Hotjar sets the _hjTLDTest cookie to store different URL substring alternatives until it fails. _s 30 minutes This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. _shopify_s...