Location: Vermont, USA Vehicle: 2023 Prius Model: XLE AWD-eSomebody here might be able to confirm this, but an early review I watched said that the states were only getting 1500 Primes in 23. That's nothing compared to the demand for the car. From what I can tell it's still hard ...
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington D.C. At that we found several being listed for sale near Chicago via dealerships that likely purchased them at auction. You’ll easily e-Golfs from 2014 and 2015 selling in the $13,000-$14,000 range....
The Tesla Model 3 come with sentry mode (but you probably knew that already :P) so at least you have proof that they accidentally (or purposefully) damaged the car so they would have to pay for the damages (assuming they aren’t flat broke). I really want a Model 3 as well. I was...