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An indicator to create and backtest automated strategies with the goal to accumulate bags and never sell in loss. How it works The accumulation Strategy The strategy has pyramidi See More All Strategies Latest articles Free Trend or Range Indicator on TradingView ...
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If there is enough balance for selling and the last buy price is recorded in the bot, then the bot will start monitoring the sell signal of the grid trade #1. Once the current price reaches the trigger price of the grid trade #1, then the bot will place a STOP-LOSS-LIMIT order to ...
Sell SignalIf there is enough balance for selling and the last buy price is recorded in the bot, then the bot will start monitoring the sell signal of the grid trade #1. Once the current price reaches the trigger price of the grid trade #1, then the bot will place a STOP-LOSS-LIMIT ...
We buy during panic. when we can get quality assets at bargain prices. When things are euphoric, we sell, or at least reduce exposure, increase quality, etc. That’s why I don’t have much sympathy for articles talking about Great Moderation 2.0. Ask yourself, “How did the Great Modera...