美国联邦政府直接采购价值超过 10,000 美元的产品需要购买Buy American认证。 州和地方政府为公共交通和基础设施项目(如公共交通系统和地方道路)购买制造产品需要Buy America认证。该法规由联邦运输管理局 (FTA) 监管。 “Buy America”和“Buy American”的要求是所有“美国制造”法规中最严格的,不要与其他制造商经常...
Explore Acuity’s lighting solutions and resources compliant with the Buy American or Build America, Buy America Act for federal, state, and municipal projects. Explore our products that comply with the Buy American Act today.
Hire American吧~两句话是一起的~buy American是购买美国货~hire American是雇用美国人~呵呵 APP内打开 为你推荐 查看更多 奥巴马的童年生活可以用哪个词语来概括 黑暗 27093 八年级英语作文.写给奥巴马的信.60词左右 只有LZ自己删减了~Hello,Obama.You are the president of USA,but since you took office,the...
内容提示: “BUY AMERICA”, “BUY AMERICAN ACT” AND “BUY AMERICAN” PROVISIONS IN CONTRACTS-CLARIFYING THE CONFUSION (Impact of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on government projects) With the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), commonly referred to as the Obama...
Buy American. I am翻译 这是一篇巴菲特在2008年10月16日发表在纽约时报上的文章。特此翻译。 THE financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near ...
And China has its own complaints in this area, from "Buy America" policies to restrictions on high-tech imports from the US. 而且中国在这方面也有自己的苦要诉——从“购买美国货(buyAmerica)”政策,到从美国进口高科技产品受到限制。 www.ftchinese.com 5. American accusations about Chinese mercantilis...
"Buy America" 直译是“买美国”,但真正的含义是“买美国的东西”。在目前进口货充斥市场,美国货面临竞争的背景下,这是一句很流行的口号。
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Buy American Act applies to contracts awarded by the federal government to protect the American industry, labor and investment capital. It does not prohibit offers from foreign-owned businesses, the compete on equal terms with domestic firms. The requirement for the rule includes the use of ...
投资人工智能和自动化,进一步消灭制造业的岗位。所以“Buy American and Hire American”,前半句是真...