Adj.1.on the button- being precise with regard to a prescribed or specified criterion; "his guess was on the nose"; "the prediction for snow was right on the button" on the nose precise- sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived...
Stop being so depressed. Change. Change everything. If I could afford to make those superficial changes I would. I’d love to pierce my nose again, dye my hair, get another tattoo. But real change has to come from within. I need to stop hating myself. Duh. When I cry, she cocks ...
Nose design, front wheel pretage, safe promotion 相关内容 a第一个杀害动物而坐牢的人 First the human who kills the animal to be imprisoned[translate] aon the view to some movies 在看法到有些电影[translate] a每天作业很多,多的做不完 The daily work are very many, many not being able to ...
Insert an opening pick at an upward angle between the back cover and the front shell near one of the triggers. If you can't insert your pick here, try along the top or bottom edges of the Steam Deck OLED before sliding it toward the handle. ...
{ + "version": "4.24.0", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-gDrt2so19jW26jY3/MkFg5mEypFIPbPoXsQGQWAi6TrCPsNOSEYepBMPlucqWigsmEy/prp5ug2jy/N3PVG/8w==", + "dependencies": { + "@...
PRODUCT INFO Soft cotton blouse with a glittering printed cat face with a heart button nose Knoflík ve tvaru srdce jako nosík: měkká bavlněná halenka s natištěnou třpytivou hlavou kočičky ParaCrawl Corpus And as you breathe out, squeeze your bottom and suck your belly bu...
button, button语言点 Button,Button seal N 1.[C]animalwithflippersthatlivesnearandintheseaandeatsfish海豹2.[C]symbolsorwordspressedintowax,clay,paperetc.toshowthatsthisapprovedorofficial印章,印鉴,图章Thisdocumentcarriestheroyalseal.这份文件上盖有王室印章。3.[C]partofalidoropeningthatmustbebrokentoreach...
患有呼吸系统疾病的妇女, 坐在家里的卧室里对着手帕吹鼻子(Sick Woman With Respiratory Illness, Blowing Her Nose Into Handkerchief Sitting In Bedroom At Home) 婴儿三人行坐在卧室里玩玩具(Baby Triplets Sitting Together In Bedroom And Playing With Toys) 无法辨认的男孩坐在薯片附近的床上摸着肚子里的脂肪...
The rod 40 is held in the running position shown, against the action of a spring 43, by a spring-biased' latch 58 engaging a depending block 57 on the rod, the latch being released, at the end of a stitching cycle, by a trip member on the cam 71 engaging an adjustable nose 67 ...
Hamilton would fall behind Button for a second time shortly afterward, however, losing ground with a failed pass on Schumacher. In a bid to regain the position, Hamilton approached Button down the start/finish straight on Lap 7 and put a nose alongside the left...