@Moto : There is nothing like double click event with button, you just have a public event for Clicked and that is for single click, but you can detect this if you are using tapGesture in this you can detect the no. of taps and perform different actions accordingly. But still if you...
How do I insert a database record from an onclick event in JavaScript? How do I insert a toggle switch value into database How do I iterate through all of the nodes in a treeview control? how do I know which CheckListBox item has been clicked How do I make current menu item active...
The buttons can raise their own Click events or Command event, which you can handle by using server-based code. This is different than events in traditional HTML pages or in client-based Web applications, where a button's onclick event is handled by using JavaScript that runs in the client...
You can provide an event handler for the Click event to programmatically control the actions performed when the Submit button is clicked. On the other hand, a Command button has a command name associated with the button, such as Sort. Set the CommandName property to specify the command name....
A double-click consists of two sequences of MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonUp events. The MouseLeftButtonDown event is a bubbling event. This means that if multiple MouseLeftButtonDown events are defined for a tree of elements, the event is received by each object in the object ...
DomMouseEvent DomNamedNodeMap DomNode DomNodeFilter DomNodeIterator DomNodeList DomNodeType DomObject DomOverflowEvent DomProcessingInstruction DomProgressEvent DomRange DomRangeCompareHow DomStyleSheet DomStyleSheetList DomText DomUIEvent DomWheelEvent DragDestinationGetActionMask DragSourceGetActi...
setOnclick public void setOnclick(String onclick) Set the value of the onclick property. getOndblclick public String getOndblclick() Return the value of the ondblclick property. Contents: Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over this element. setOndblclick public void...
The buttons can raise their own Click events or Command event, which you can handle by using server-based code. This is different than events in traditional HTML pages or in client-based Web applications, where a button's onclick event is handled by using JavaScript that runs in the client...
public class Button : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl, System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler, System.Web.UI.WebControls.IButtonControl继承 Object Control WebControl Button 实现 IPostBackEventHandler IButtonControl 示例下面的代码示例演示如何创建一个 Submit Button 控件,该控件将网页内容发布回服务器。AS...
OnClick="Click event handler" OnClientClick="string" OnCommand="Command event handler" OnDataBinding="DataBinding event handler" OnDisposed="Disposed event handler" OnInit="Init event handler" OnLoad="Load event handler" OnPreRender="PreRender event handler" OnUnload="Unload event handler" PostBack...