Buttoning Activities This buttoning activity uses a recycled egg carton to work on the specific skills needed to fasten buttons. These are great buttoning activities for preschoolers and children struggling with the fine motor components of managing buttons on their clothing. Try these buttoning acti...
Easy Fall Button Tree Quiet Bin for PreK Kids My little guys have some trouble settling into quiet, independent times so we use quiet bins, or boxes, for quiet time activities for preschoolers. Quiet bins are perfect for little ones who no longer nap or just need some time to reset themse...
This month’s Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring three Pete the Cat books by Eric Litwin. We did some math and science activities to go along with Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. Practice sorting, counting, and subtraction using buttons. Affiliate links are included in this ...
A particular gap in the research is how CT instruction should be enacted (e.g., free play, guided play, levels of scaffolding, degree of child-initiated activities, and structure of programming tasks). Therefore, we aimed to describe what preschool children's CT experiences are like when ...
About once a week we also use Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready, with age-appropriate activities from birth to age 5. With it being so cold, wet, rainy (and did I mention cold?) we’ve stayed as close as we can to the fireplace and kept a one room schoolhouse. We’ve watched birds...
This novel, low-dose, health promotion intervention was delivered quarterly over 15 months and involved educational activities, promotion of peer discussion, a DVD and written materials. Post-intervention, when children were approximately 18 months of age, child diets were assessed using multiple 24...
All this, framed in group activities striving for empower- ment in PA and the improvement of psychosocial skills to manage the condition and PF level in their relationships outside of school. Limitations The cross-sectional design does not allow us to make cause and effect inferences. More ...
The use of non-clinical and educational methodologies can contribute to the development of children's perspective taking skills by means of daily educational activities in small group including children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. These results have great applicative relevance for early...