奶油面包布丁bread and butter pudding 奶油面包布丁bread and butter pudding的做法步骤 步骤1 黄油软化,取一点刷烤盘或烤杯四周。 步骤2 拿个小锅倒入黄砂糖、黄油、牛奶和淡奶油开小火将糖融化搅拌均匀关火,将布丁糊放温备用。 步骤3 接下来把5片吐司面包切成小块。 步骤4 把2只鸡蛋敲入小碗中打碎搅拌均匀后...
英式面包布丁 British bread & butter pudding的做法 切片面包切去四周的面包片,每一片都单面均匀抹上黄油 沿对角切开面包,可根据焗碗大小切成两块或四块 焗碗内抹上一层黄油,将切好的面包片以涂油面朝上叠出一层,撒上葡萄干和肉桂粉 重复上一步,铺上第二层 鸡蛋、牛奶或淡奶油和糖搅拌均匀,滴入2-...
Stalepanettonecan be used to make awonderfulbread-and-butterpudding.过期的意大利圣诞蛋糕可以用来做黄油面包布丁,非常好吃。 JohnGollop/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages More examples He makes abreadandbutterpuddingfullof armagnac andprunes. Shepassedme aforkfulofbreadandbutterpudding. Thechocolateandora...
用料 6-slices white bread Bread & Butter Pudding的做法 Grease a ovenproof dish . Bread: cut the crusts off Butter & marmalade / jam cut diagnoally. In the dish: Arrange a layer of bread ( buttered-side up) Sprinkle with raisins/sultanas . Repeat In a bowl: Whisk 3-5eggs& 2tbsp cas...
Bread and Butter Pudding Bread and Butter Pudding的做法步骤 步骤1 厚吐司面包去边角切小块备用 步骤2 在一个宽口大碗里面混合淡奶油,鸡蛋,vanilla extract, ground cinnamon 步骤3 搅拌均匀成蛋液,备用,此时烤箱175度预热。 步骤4 把切好的面包块混合入蛋液中,慢慢搅拌下混匀,放置2分钟,(此时用厨房用纸沾黄油...
bread and butterpudding By Hovis and TescoRescue recipeThis recipe is great using upexcess or slightly stale breadSweet or savoury, you decide.Proud tosupportIngredients: Serves 4Base6-8 slices white bread50g (2oz) butter 2 eggs 400ml (14fl oz) milk Pinch of salt Savoury version 1tbsp vege...
bread and butter pudding 读音:美英 bread and butter pudding基本解释 黄油面包布丁 分词解释 bread面包 butter黄油 pudding(一道)甜食,甜点心
4) Fruit and bread pudding 水果面包布丁 5) bread and butter 涂黄油的面包 例句>> 6) Charge for Bread and Butter 面包和黄油费 补充资料:人造奶油 人造奶油 artificial cream 用植物油或部分动物油经调配加工的制品,用以代替天然奶油。它在营养和使用功能方面均优于天然奶油,产量已超过天然奶油。人造奶油按...
Catherine Brown
Quick and easy to prepare, bread and butter pudding has long been celebrated for its simplicity and is a wonderful way of using up old leftover bread. The best thing with this pudding is its versatility – feel free to use any type of bread you have hanging around the kitchen, be it...